Zryv'yhx, Admiral (NEMESIS)


Zryv’yhx is a Rebel Alliance Admiral…


Zryv’yhx is the nemesis of Grand Admiral Barret Marh

desires - Safety
Zryv'yhx values peace and comfort above all else. He wants to restore peace to the galaxy by getting rid of the evil Galactic Empire!
fear - Nemesis
Admiral Zryv'yhx fears the next time he will have to encounter an old rival: Grand Admiral Marh. Back at the imperial academy, Marh failed to keep him from destroying 2 Imperial Star Destroyers before fleeing with a group of freedom fighters. Now Marh is a Grand Admiral!
strength - Idealistic
Zryv'yhx believes in the Rebel Alliance and the freedom that it can get to the galaxy. Zryv'yhx feels like everyone should live up to his ideals and is disappointed when people don’t.
flaw - Deception
Zryv'yhx will become disloyal to those who do not adhere to his idealistic view of the galaxy, or anyone not agreeing with him for that matter. He does not fear to use coercion to help his cause; on both allies and enemies. Zryv'yhx is concerned with his wellbeing first and foremost, and he always presents himself in the best possible light even when that isn’t the case.